Nineteen and sexy.

Ladies and gents, the nineteen year old pose. Inspired by one of the bloggers I frequent the most, Rainy. I hope you don't mind me copying your pose in a fail attempt to look a little more decent in this post.

So today I just turned nineteen and I have a lot of people to thank for it. Thank you, most especially, to that person who made this day special by unexpectedly sending me a handwritten letter by mail and a package I will perhaps hold dearly in the nights to come; to the people who made me feel even more special by performing the Palmolive dance craze just because I requested for it; to the people who continue to make me feel special by telling me how better their days become just because I exist; to the family I am most proud of about my existence. Thank you, thank you. There are no words beautiful enough to even begin to explain how awesome my friends and family are. I love them so much it's severely abnormal.

I am beautiful. I am bold. I am sexy. I am smart. I am nineteen. But only because they exist - my friends and family. Without them, I am absolutely nothing.