Let's be dangerous.

I have nothing much to post really, but I've been finding a way to shove down that cheesy post right there, it makes me sick. Plus I have to get back on posting here, have to find ways to keep it alive. So here. This is a photoset of the Motorcross event my brothers went to last March. I love them dangerous photos.

Some awesome flying photos.

I'm not so much a fan of manly sports like these, but now I think it's cool. I want more of this. Soon, perhaps. I want to start spending more time outdoors. But I don't think I'll be able to sometime soon, not with this weather and the workload of my semester. I think it's getting a bit cold these days, no?

That would be all for now, until something comes out of my preoccupied mind. I love you, always.


The side effects of you.

Some nights I find it difficult to sleep because of you. I would try to shut my eyes hard, hoping it would help me shove away all the thoughts about you lingering in my damned mind, all the picturesque memories I have come to memorize in the past weeks.  I should never be left alone with my thoughts at night. They are like a torture. Sometimes I feel I think about you too much.

And it sucks. It sucks that right now, and the next long months to come all I can ever do is think about you. Never touch you, never feel your face close against mine, never feel the warmth of your embrace, never feel your kisses once again. At least not in the next eight months. Eight freaking months. How am I supposed to live with this?

I have done great alone before. Since when did spending a day without you or a text message from you become this difficult? I guess this is what love does to you – it makes you need someone so badly to overcome each day. It’s one good reason why long distance relationships suck the most.

source: (x)

It's bad enough that you are going to be far for months. Why does it have to be even harder like this? This is selfish, I know, but I will always be almost over the edge, and you will seldom be there to comfort me when I need you the most. And it sucks that no one in this universe can ever be blamed for the choices I have made. Not even you. These are the side effects you left me, and I guess I just have to suck up and live with it until you come back.

Here’s to more sleepless nights and bittersweet memories coming to haunt me in the next months.


Un-funnied: 0 and 8

My friends are a miscellany of crazy and fun. They like to make me laugh to death with punchlines only I sometimes laugh at. So what am I, abnormal? Not quite; I guess I'm just a little too nice (or naive) for laughing even at the unfunniest joke thrown at the table.

This is an attempt to bring some of those "punchlines" into life, and post it here. This will be the first time I'm posting something like this here, so here goes.

Cue dialog.
What did 0 tell 8 when they met?

"Nice belt, sexy."
Cue boisterous laugh. End cue.

Lol sorry. I know I just un-funnied the joke. I swear it sounds funnier when you hear it from my crazy, crazy friends. Oh god I'm such a loser when it comes to making people laugh.

So anyway, I guess I'll be posting more of this soon. I feel like some jokes deserve to be shared, it's such a waste hearing jokes and laughing at it for seconds. Every funny joke deserves a share. And besides, I'll be needing much of these in the coming months. Guess why.

So there, laugh often everyone!


Touch down senior year.

So hey there.

I'm alive! I'm not sure you people remember me being in your Following list but I guess you guys deserve a “Hello I still exist” post from this loser right here. I’ve been trying to post something… anything here but I swear the blinking cursor just won’t move every. freaking. time. I’m telling you I always end up staring flatly at a blank post box.

Sometimes I wish I had a more exciting life you know? One that’s filled with schedules and trips and food and adventures I can take photos of and post here. Instead I have this life – all books, and movies and sleeping and reading and having chats with awesome people.

No worries. I’ve got one more year left and I’ll be on my own, venturing into the unknown world of employment (or unemployment) blah blah.

But that’s a year ahead. Right now I just have to focus on acing my senior year and partying hard. This year is going to be awesome. This year is going to be fun. This year is going to rock. It just has to.


P.S. My awesome batchmates say hello.